National School of Drama (NSD), Delhi, organises a Theatre Workshop for 600 school children in summer where students from various schools in Delhi have the privilege of learning drama from NSD artistes.
NSD delivers this workshop in 8 schools with three age groups.
Our Drama Teacher, Binod Mahakur, is among the artistes chosen by NSD to deliver this workshop. This is a 6-week exercise during which Binod is learning the craft of teaching theatre from the best in the land, rubbing shoulders with the best in the land, all this while delivering workshops to the children.
Binod is among the youngest, and the only one from Odisha, chosen for this.
Klorofeel students have the privilege of learning from Binod.
At Klorofeel School, drama is not just an extra curricular subject. Other subject teachers engage with our Drama teacher to bring theatre into our regular lessons. Bringing regular concepts to the students through theatre is not just exciting for the students, it also helps in retention, as concepts are being taught through memorable experiences. Such pedagogy is also in keeping with Klorofeel’s करके देखो philosophy.